A nootropikumokról ismert, hogy nagyszerű módja a kognitív funkciók és a mentális tisztaság javításának.
A probléma az, hogy a legtöbb ma a piacon kapható nootropikum hatástalan és drága.
A NooCube azon kevés termékek egyike, amelyekben megbízhat a jobb memória, koncentráció és kommunikációs képességek javítása érdekében.
A NooCube teljesen természetes vegyületek és összetevők keverékét tartalmazza, amelyek segítenek növelni az agy energiaszintjét. Ezenkívül feldobja a hangulatot, hogy a legjobb teljesítményt nyújtsa bármilyen helyzetben vagy feladatban.
Ez a kiegészítő előnyt jelent másokkal szemben azáltal, hogy javítja a memória felidézését és az emberi agy teljesítményét. Mindezt úgy, hogy megóvja Önt a káros mellékhatásoktól. Tehát nyugodtan kijelenthetjük, hogy nem helyettesítheti semmilyen táplálékkiegészítőt, és nem is helyettesíthető.
Az aminosavak és antioxidánsok, például az L theanine L tirozin és a gyógynövények erőteljes formulájával a NooCube rendkívül hatékony, amint azt klinikai kutatások és tanulmányok is alátámasztják.
A hasonló kiegészítőkkel összehasonlítva káros reakciók vagy mellékhatások nélkül javítja a megismerést.
Ehhez a termékhez nincs szükség receptre; vegyél be naponta két kapszulát vízzel, és heteken belül érezd magadon a különbséget!
Érezhető fejlesztések lesznek.
Javíthatja az agysejteket, és orvosolhatja a kognitív betegségeket és rendellenességeket, például a demenciát és az Alzheimer-kórt.
Ez az áttekintés olyan iránymutatásokat és információkat tartalmaz, amelyek felkészítik Önt arra, hogy megválaszolja a kognitív funkciókban, az összetevőkben, az előnyökben, a hatékonyságban és a biztonságban betöltött szerepével kapcsolatos minden kérdését.
Table of Contents
- 1 Mi az a NooCube?
- 2 Hogyan működik a NooCube a memóriában és a fókuszban?
- 3 A NooCube hatásai és előnyei az agy termelékenységére
- 4 Dosage and How to Take NooCube Brain Support Supplement
- 5 NooCube Ingredients Contained in the Capsules
- 6 NooCube Side Effects
- 7 Who Should Use NooCube?
- 8 Where to Buy NooCube Pills?
- 9 NooCube Customer Reviews & Results
- 10 NooCube Reviews On Reddit
- 11 How Does NooCube Compare Against Other Nootropics?
- 12 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- 12.1 Is NooCube safe?
- 12.2 Does NooCube really work?
- 12.3 Can I buy NooCube near me?
- 12.4 How fast does NooCube work?
- 12.5 Who makes NooCube?
- 12.6 Where is NooCube manufactured?
- 12.7 Where is NooCube sold?
- 12.8 Can you buy NooCube at Walmart?
- 12.9 What are the ingredients in NooCube?
- 12.10 Is NooCube a stimulant?
- 12.11 Does NooCube help with ADHD?
- 12.12 Is NooCube legit?
- 13 NooCube Review Conclusion: Is NooCube Worth it?
Mi az a NooCube?
A NooCube más nootropikumok továbbfejlesztett változata. A NooCube készítői azt állítják, hogy glutén-, koffein- és GMO-mentes agykiegészítő, amely biztosítja a kiváló agyműködést és a mentális sebességet.
A legtöbb agy-kiegészítő tartalmaz olyan stimulánsokat, mint a koffein, hogy növelje a hatékonyságát, és egyedülálló a NooCube számára, hogy nincs ilyen.
A kávéban is megtalálható koffein jelenléte nélkül megnövekedett tudatosság lesz, és nem fog érezni a koffein által okozott izgalom és szorongás érzése.
A NooCube formula teljes spektrumú napi nootrópnak számít a kognitív funkciók javítására a memória alapjaitól a multitaskingig.
A neurodegeneratív betegségek, például az Alzheimer-kór és az agyi gyulladások is megelőzhetők a NooCube szervezetbe történő integrálásával. Az Alpha GPC-vel készült gyógymód, amely növeli a tanuláshoz és a memória kialakulásához elengedhetetlen neurotranszmitterek termelését.
Hogyan működik a NooCube a memóriában és a fókuszban?
A NooCube összetevői serkentik a neurotranszmitter acetilkolin szintjének termelését az agyban, mint például az acetilkolin, a glutamát, a dopamin és a szerotonin. Az idegtudósok szerint ezek a neurotranszmitterek fokozzák az agy teljesítményét.
A NooCube agykiegészítő kifejezetten elősegíti a jobb koncentrációs szintet, valamint javítja a memóriát és a kommunikációs készségeket .
Ezenkívül védi és helyreállítja az agykárosodást azáltal, hogy alapvető tápanyagokat biztosít. A NooCube visszafordítja az öregedés okozta romlási folyamatot, bizonyítva hatékonyságát az életkorral összefüggő betegségek, például a demencia lelassításában.
A demenciában szenvedőknek nehézségei vannak a kommunikációban vagy a beszédben, a memóriamegtartásban, a problémamegoldó készségekben és más gondolkodási képességekben.
Úgy működik, hogy biztonságosabban és természetesebben növeli az agy teljesítményét, valamint csökkenti az agy ködképződését.
A NooCube hatásai és előnyei az agy termelékenységére
Amellett, hogy a NooCube támogatja és javítja a mentális sebességet, a koncentrációs szintet és a memóriát, webhelye azt állította, hogy a jól működő és egészséges agy építőköveit tartalmazza.
Az emberek jobb hangulatot is tapasztalhatnak. A depresszió és a szorongás érzése csökken.
Ezzel a NooCube elemzés ugyanazokat az előnyöket azonosítja:
- Fokozott koncentráció és fókusz
- Fokozott memória és kognitív képesség
- Improved multitasking capabilities
- Upgraded learning capacity and cognitive functioning
- Boosted brain energy
- Enhanced mood
NooCube can specifically lessen anxiousness and can improve short-term memory functions.
Most users have seen its effects on their learning abilities after taking NooCube for eight weeks.
Dosage and How to Take NooCube Brain Support Supplement
Like other supplements, NooCube’s dosage varies from person to person. It is recommended that their website take not more than four capsules per day to maximize its efficacy.
Taking four capsules is already considered to be a double dose. Beginners must take one to two capsules of NooCube nootropic every morning with breakfast.
If there’s not much of a difference after a couple of days, you may upgrade your intake. Try to move up to three capsules and then four if it still doesn’t work.
According to our research for this product review, and based on users’ experiences, you may need to take at least 3-4 capsules a day for 6 to 8 weeks straight to harness the NooCube supplement’s full benefits.
NooCube Ingredients Contained in the Capsules
NooCube’s website shows transparency in its ingredients, serving sizes, and doses, unlike other supplements.
This allows you to better understand its key ingredients, with each having independent scientific evidence. The combination of these promotes new nerve growth and repairs damaged neurons for improved functions.
Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine (Alpha GPC)
One of the most famous ingredients known for enhancing cognitive function in brain cell supplementation is Alpha GPC. It is noted for learning, concentration, alertness, and short-term memory enhancement.
Although the Alpha GPC dose (50 mg) is relatively low compared to 200 mg, its website claims that it increases the brain’s acetylcholine level, responsible for new memories formation.
Research conducted by researchers in 2013 for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease proved that Alpha GPC had enhanced patients’ cognitive function and memory tests scores consistently.
Statements referring to other similar studies conducted have the same results of taking Alpha GPC.
Huperzine A
Included on their website as another ingredient is Huperzine-A at 20 mg. The second most popular nootropic ingredient prevents acetylcholine’s breakdown by blocking acetylcholinesterase (AChE). With this, NooCube is known to enhance focus, boost memory, and improve mental clarity.
This is the natural ingredient to potentially treat patients with Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease but must be cycled every two months to avoid having too much brainpower from the prolonged intake.
Bacopa Monnieri
It is also called Brahmi or water hyssop and usually grows in wet tropical environments like a rainforest. This medicinal herb is native to Indian forests in Europe, Africa, America, and Asia.
NooCube nootropic supplement has a good serving of Bacopa Monnieri at 250 mg. It is also found in some green tea ingredients because of its antioxidant effects.
Bacopa Monnieri promotes neuron dendrite growth, which works well for healthy individuals, especially older people with cognitive impairment.
Having damaged neurons and nerves can be improved through Bacopa Monnieri intake, enhancing neuronal communication and brain processes, mental performance, and memory formation and retention. In studies, cognitive function test scores used to measure brain power improved significantly.
Cat’s Claw
NooCube supplement also has Cat’s Claw or Uncaria Tomentosa with a 175 mg dose. It is a plant herb used in traditional Chinese medicine and is known as an antioxidant. Cat’s claw works to eliminate free radicals in the body that reduces cell damage.
Cat’s claw is good for protecting your brain and providing long-term brain support.
Oat Straw
Another ingredient known in this dietary supplement is Oat Straw extract at 150 mg dosage. Oat straw has been a natural nootropic brain booster used since the Middle Ages. It comes from wild green oats.
Oat straw increases the brain’s alpha-2 waves and controls artery wall inflammation. It enhances blood flow to the brain, thus making you feel more alert and attentive.
Taking this brain pill also means taking a good serving of L-tyrosine at 250 mg. It is an amino acid that produces dopamine that helps the mind and body to feel good.
L-tyrosine enhances one’s ability to focus and have brain alertness. People usually take it 30 minutes before a stressful situation to reduce mental fatigue and stress and improve cognitive performance.
The last ingredient is L-theanine, with 100 mg serving. It is an amino acid that works to stimulate the neurotransmitter acetylcholine levels. Not only does L-theanine relieve stress and anxiety, but it also promotes attention, creativity levels, and mental focus.
L-theanine is also a natural sleep enhancer because it can heighten and decrease caffeine’s positive and negative side effects.
Theanine and L tyrosine are both amino acids that stimulate the neurotransmitter acetylcholine levels in the brain. Green tea drinkers consume L-theanine, while L-tyrosine is often taken as a supplement.
Pterostilbene is an active ingredient found in blueberries. Aside from improving cognition, it is also one of the most sought-after ingredients to control blood sugar.
Experts found it to help manage free radicals and help reduce or even treat neurodegenerative diseases, especially in older patients.
Resveratrol is extracted from plants and is rich in antioxidants. This is the science behind the reason that drinking red wine helps slow down aging. The resveratrol in it protects brain cells from damage resulting in a slowed-down mental decline.
The compound also has anti-inflammatory properties that help improve the brain’s alertness and focus.
NooCube Side Effects
NooCube reviews showed that the common side effects of taking this supplement are caused mainly by its Huperzine-A ingredient, resulting in stomach pain, headaches, bad mood, and dizziness.
Huperzine A can cause a steady build-up of acetylcholine in the brain that can cause problems. With too much acetylcholine, one can have headaches, low focus, low mood, and confusion.
Other than that, studies and their website rarely report any serious adverse side effects.
Still, it is recommended for you to seek professional medical advice if you observe cognitive decline while taking NooCube.
Who Should Use NooCube?
NooCube is for any healthy person who wants to enhance their cognitive function. It could be used for people who lack focus, memory or having difficulties multitasking. Emotional well-being is also affected as it helps reduce anxiety, depression, and self-esteem.
NooCube helps support brain health when you have huge tasks or projects to take that require a lot of thinking. You will also benefit from it if your body often feels fatigued, even if you are well-rested. All these benefits are achievable if it is appropriately administered.
However, it’s best to take note that NooCube may not be safe for children under 18 years of age, pregnant or nursing women.
Extra care and intervention of a licensed healthcare provider is also their website’s disclaimer and requirement if you already take pre-existing medications and have existing medical conditions or long history of allergy.
This cognitive enhancer might react negatively with other medications. That’s why it is best to consult your professional physician first.
Where to Buy NooCube Pills?
NooCube can be bought from their official website.
Bundle offers are also available for purchase.
If you ask yourself, “where can I buy NooCube?” and think of Amazon or eBay, keep in mind that buying NooCube from a third-party website might be risky as it might not be authentic.
As stated on their website, shipping is free worldwide. It will just take up to 15 working days as it will be shipped out of the UK and will depend on your location. You can order it even if you are anywhere in the world. However, shipping cost may vary.
Their website also indicates that they will give 100% money back if you’re unsatisfied with your purchase.
Is NooCube For Sale At Amazon, Walmart, GNC or CVS?
Although you might find NooCube at a local store near you or on Amazon, you’ll likely pay more than you would on the official website. Also, there’s a risk that the product is expired or fake. We therefore recommend to buy NooCube only from the official website.
NooCube Price: How Much Does It Cost?
According to its website, NooCube’s prices are:
- One bottle is $39.99; the retail price of $54.99
- Get two bottles and have one free for $79.99; retail price of $119.99
- Get three bottles, have three free for $119.99; retail price of $239.99
Each bottle of this vitamin has 60 capsules. Please take note that NooCube is exclusively available online through its official website.
Their prices are slightly higher than the other brain supplement, but they offer free shipping worldwide regardless of the ordered quantities. Their website encourages people to buy in a bundle to reduce costs after finishing their trial period.
They’ve also stated that opened bottles can be returned on their website, and they have a money-back guarantee, which other nootropics don’t allow.
For more details, you may visit their official website, as it is packed with relevant information.
Does NooCube Have a Free Trial?
No, there is no free trial or free sample available. However, you can still try NooCube and use the generous money-back guarantee if you aren’t happy with the results. This may help you with your purchasing decision.
NooCube Customer Reviews & Results
Here’s some feedback we found on the Reddit website from users who reviewed NooCube and gave their statements:
- “I have been taking Noocube for a week right now. I started with two pills, and no effect appear. Then two days ago, I tried with the max dose of 4 pills. No big deal. But I have to say that while I’m swamped, and I have to do many many things, I’m not as overwhelmed as in the past, so I will keep with this dose as this is quite positive.” — t0nil0
- “NooCube is the perfect start to the day, it just fires up my brain!” — Emily M.
- “I’m very impressed with NooCube, it’s helped to increase my productivity and focus.” — Brad V.
NooCube Reviews On Reddit
Wondering what people say about NooCube on Reddit?
Naatan says:
“I recently started trying out noocube, which is my introduction into nootropics. I used it for about 3 days and felt mentally great; it really did seem to deliver on its promise.”
t0nil0 says:
“I have been taking noocube for a week right now. I started with two pills and no effect appear. Then two days ago I tried with the max dosis of 4 pills. No big deal. But I have to say that while I’m very busy and I have to do many many things I’m not as overwhelmed as in the past, so I will keep with this dosis as this is quite possitive”
How Does NooCube Compare Against Other Nootropics?
There are nootropics on the market that have similar ingredients. Let’s see how the stack up against NooCube.
NooCube vs. Mind Lab Pro
NooCube might be the best alternative to Mind Lab Pro. While Mind Lab Pro is a premium nootropic that’s on the expensive side, NooCube has similar ingredients but is more affordable, while still offering good quality and results. The main question is how much you’re willing to pay. If you have the budget for it, Mind Lab Pro might be a slightly better choice. Overall, they’re quite similar in their effectiveness.
NooCube vs. Alpha Brain
NooCube is quite similar to Alpha Brain. Both nootropics use high-quality ingredients, most of which have been studied extensively and have proven their effectiveness. However, NooCube is cheaper than Alpha Brain, and it ships from the UK, making it the better option for EU-based customers and people who want to save a few bucks.
NooCube vs. OptiMind
OptiMind contains caffeine, which increases your heart rate and metabolism, while NooCube is caffeine-free. We don’t recommend taking nootropics that contain caffeine. Taking this into account, we recommend NooCube over OptiMind.
NooCube vs. Adderall
Adderall is a prescription drug used to treat ADHD. It’s not at all comparable with a true nootropic such as NooCube, because it doesn’t improve brain function in a healthy or permanent way. On the contrary – taking Adderall regularly will damage your dopamine system and adversely impact your cognition and brain performance over time. NooCube might help with ADHD because of ingredients like L-Tyrosine, but it’s not the same or even similar to the medication Adderall.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
As you have doubts and other concerns in mind, we have listed a few FAQs to help you out.
Is NooCube safe?
Although NooCube is made in a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved facility, the efficacy of its ingredients is not FDA-approved. But, as per customer feedback and statements from the official website, this supplement is safe to use, with fewer side effects than other nootropic compounds. The mentioned majority of ingredients on the website are all-natural and widely used as a brain supplement. Their website and other studies reported that it had undergone clinical trials that proved NooCube safe in long-term use. It is recommended to follow the proper cycling of the drug to have a break from Huperzine A. You may take NooCube for four weeks straight and then take seven days off.
Does NooCube really work?
NooCube’s seven active ingredients are proven to work as brain supplementation. Although one website claimed it is not as effective as some other nootropics, it still depends on a person’s perspective. Each individual has their unique need, required dosage, and mental capabilities. That’s why NooCube’s effectiveness depends on the users. It should not be used for the treatment of many neurodegenerative diseases. Consult your doctor for sound medical advice before trying any vitamins. Their website statements ensure users that NooCube works as it is packed with beneficial ingredients.
Can I buy NooCube near me?
No, it’s only available online on the official website. Orders are usually being processed online, and invoice statements are sent through email. It is then shipped fast, so you should have it on your doorstep soon if you order today!
How fast does NooCube work?
The effects of NooCube typically start within 2 hours of taking it. Effects can last for 8+ hours or up to 24 hours in some individuals. Long-term effects typically start after 6-8 weeks of taking NooCube daily.
Who makes NooCube?
NooCube is made by a company named Wolfson Brands in Glasgow, Scotland. They manufacture their products in FDA-approved, GMP-certified facilities which ensures the highest possible quality standards.
Where is NooCube manufactured?
NooCube is manufactured by Wolfson Brands Limited, which are located in the UK. Their FDA-approved, GMP-certified manufacturing facilities are located in the UK as well.
Where is NooCube sold?
NooCube is only being sold on the official website NooCube.com. Avoid buying NooCube from other sources, because there’s a chance that you run into fake or expired products, which pose a risk to your health.
Can you buy NooCube at Walmart?
No, you can’t buy NooCube at Walmart. It’s only available online through the official NooCube website NooCube.com.
What are the ingredients in NooCube?
NooCube contains the following ingredients: Alpha GPC, Cat’s Claw, Oat Straw, Huperzine A, Bacopa Monnieri, L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, Pterostilbene, and Resveratrol.
Is NooCube a stimulant?
NooCube does not contain any stimulant. It is only an excellent nootropic supplement that promotes brain functioning and mental energy, giving you more hours of good work and restful sleep.
Does NooCube help with ADHD?
NooCube can be a great tool for people with ADHD or ADD. We have found it to be highly effective for many people with ADHD and ADD. It helps concentrate on tasks and not lose focus.
Is NooCube legit?
NooCube is absolutely legit and not a scam. It’s a great new product that has been tested and proven to work. The company is legitimate and has many satisfied customers.
NooCube Review Conclusion: Is NooCube Worth it?
NooCube is an excellent starter nootropic to try as it is a good brain enhancer supplement.
Their official website highlights that clinical studies back NooCube. With the natural ingredients, NooCube has no doubt, will give positive results.
NooCube’s website promises to deliver excellent cognitive results and mental clarity. Based on their research and editorial team with several participants, it is proven to be safe, and it works in achieving optimum brain health. Keep in mind that it is always recommended to check with your licensed healthcare provider for a piece of sound medical advice before procuring and using any supplements.
The refund policy in place guarantees buyers that NooCube is well-researched and effective. It allows users to have a free trial showing the manufacturer and claims from their website to be authentic.
However, it’s priced higher than other nootropics that promise greater results but keep in mind that each individual has different requirements and preferred ingredients.
click here to order NooCube from the official website »
Zahra Thunzira is a Jakarta-based nutritionist and gym instructor. She’s also an adventure travel, fitness, and health writer for several blogs and websites. She earned her Master degree in Public Health from University of Indonesia.